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Your Labour Councillors step in to save Ashburton Park Lodge

Last year the Tory government announced that they were going to force Croydon Council to sell off some of your assets. One of these assets was the much loved lodge in Ashburton Park.

We, like many of you felt selling off this beautiful local asset was not what was right for our community. In fact this is the second time that they have attempted sell off buildings in the park. We all said no last time and we said no again.

Consequently working in partnership with a major schools academy trust, Croydon’s Labour councillors have stepped in to halt the sale of a park lodge in order to use the building as a youth centre.

The trust are putting up a substantial amount of money themselves to realise this ambition but they and we are also asking for your help.

Over the last few days you will have seen many of us sharing the link to raise money to help fund this wonderful initiative. You can contribute here.

Finally, we promise that if we are lucky enough to become your councillors then we will ensure that working together we will get this initiative done.

Many thanks

Maddie Henson & Tom Bowell


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